Things That Are Ruining Your Sex Life

Are you facing any issue in your sex life lately or feeling that is not going on the right track? There are times when the sex life of ours can hit a roadblock and run into a dry spell. It not only can trouble you but also induce an irking feeling in your partner. There can be several reasons behind the derailment of your sex life and having a dull time on the bed. Most of them might be visible to your eyes, but you still are not able to identify the culprits. Besides, some mental, physical, and medical issues can have a negative effect on your sex life as well. To know what are the reasons that are spoiling your fun on the bed, have a look at the points given below.

You are exhausted
It is one of the most common reasons for the depleting sex life of a person. It includes both physical and mental exhaustion that you experience after a long tiring day at work or while doing the commute back and forth. The overcrowded bus and trains or the long traffic jams can drain your energy completely, leaving little or no enthusiasm for having sex. In most of the studies, it is seen that partners tend to avoid having sex at the end of the day due to extreme tiredness, which can have a negative effect on their relationship as well.

Stress is another sex killer and can throw your sex life off the track. Due to stress at work or any other situation, the cortisol hormone level in our body increases rapidly, which can have a negative effect on the libido factor. It also kills the mood for having sex by suppressing the testosterone level and other hormones that drive away the interest to have sex. Hence, directly or indirectly, stress can play the role of spoilsport for sex life.

It is a mental disorder that kills most of the joys of life, including sex. All you want to do in depression is to stay alone and get isolated from everyone, including your spouse. Besides, if you are taking anti-depressants for the treatment of depression, they are not going to help either since these medications also can have a negative effect on your libido or make you sleepy most of the time. Hence, it is another problem that can ruin your sex life.

Eating an unhealthy diet
You might love to have a pizza or burger at dominos or McDonalds, but you are also giving a blow to your sex drive. Salty and fried foods can make you feel bloated, and it even plummets your urge to make love. Besides, eating too much of these foods can add pounds to your body, increasing the risk of obesity and plunging the chances of spending a satisfying sex life.

You are addicted to porn
Men generally have the fascination of watching porn or even masturbating while seeing porn clips. In the process, they lose the urge to have real sex or do not enjoy it since they always fantasize or want to have sex like porn movies. Due to this, their actual sex life suffers and can have an adverse impact on their relationships.


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